1. Detachment and forgetfulness.
2. Planned thinking
3. Positive thinking
4. Reduce emotional involvement, take things easy: we should realise that no difficulties or problems are permanent. They all will pass. Such is the law. Everything is in a state of constant motion and change. Nothing is permanent and static here.
5. Welcome difficulties and problems of life, they are for our good.
· We can derive some benefit and learning from every problem or difficulty of life and exploit it to our advantage. This is a wonderful law of life.
· Everything, which happens to us in life, is for our good only. In the apparently looking cruel and adverse circumstances is hidden the infinite mercy of God.
· God has placed you exactly where you deserve.
· Once you play your present role successfully, you will be automatically shifted to the next higher place.
6. There is a reason for everything, nothing happens by chance or accident.
· Universe has a certain order and everything is bound by a relationship of cause and effect. For every effect there is a cause.
· World is neither good nor bad. It depends upon how we look at it.
· Whatever is within us, it appears to us outside.
7. Silence, solitude and self-introspection
8. Avoid fears.
9. Don't have inferiority complex, what others can do, you also can do. Hence never compare with others and neither feel inferior nor superior to any body.
10. Don't waste time.
11. Control over impulses. Observe self-restraint and patience.
12. Don't react immediately when disturbed. Under provocation, the reasoning power of the mind gets destroyed.
13. Brooding over past and worrying for future. What matters most to you and to the world right now is what you are at present and not what you were or what you will be.
14. You are master of your destiny. You are hundred percent responsible for what you are in your life.
15. Self-satisfaction before satisfaction of other. Many people live a life style, which is primarily aimed at impressing and satisfying others. It is more important for you as to what you think about yourselves than what others think.
16. Accept and recognize your weaknesses.
17. Don't fill your subconscious mind with all sorts of garbage.
18. Avoid making remarks/comments/advice to others unless asked.
· Any preaching which you want to give for the benefit of others, it is better to impart that from your behaviour rather than in the form of words.
19. Eliminate ego.
20. Always remain optimistic.
21. Learn to say `No'.
· If you want to become great and unique, you will have to be different from the rest of the crowd.
22. Don't linger things.
· Successful people are those who get up from their seat and take immediate appropriate action. The right time for starting or doing an appropriate thing is just now and not tomorrow.
23. Always remain near to God.
· So long as you keep your hands in His hands, you are safe from all miseries of the world.
· A stage will come when you will be so intensely connected with God that you will be knowing God and God only and you will be thinking, talking and doing everything in terms of God.
24. There is nothing urgent or indispensable in this world.
25. There is nothing free of cost in this world.
26. Enjoy the work, not the fruits.
· As fruits are not in your hand and only in the hands of Almighty, you should never depend upon the fruits for your pleasure.
· You have done your duty and your part is over, you now go on to your next work.
27. Be flexible for adopting new changes and improvements. Every minute changes are taking place. What we were one hour before, we are not now. Hence, learn to respect changes and apply to cultivate them to your benefit instead of getting upset.
28. Be also open to new ideas and suggestions.
29. Avoid greediness, everything belongs to God. You should be able to leave any worldly possession at a moment's notice. Such should be your detachment towards worldly things.
30. Small things are as important as big things. Your greatness is judged by how you perform each and every small thing in your life and not by big things alone.
31. Don't show fickle mindedness and madness in choosing or deciding some thing.
32. The more you give, the more you get.
33. Avoid selfishness, expand your consciousness to include the whole world as your family.
· You should be able to look upon other's problem as your own by placing yourself mentally in their position.
34. Reduce unnecessary worldly involvement.
35. Have a good company.
36. Always keep a smile on your face.
37. Reduce your expectations from others. Never expect anything from anybody.
38. Reduce collection of worldly things.
39. Problems are an integral part of life. They will never end. One problem will go another will come.
· We are never given to bear more than our capacity and resources.
· Take it for granted that there will always be ups and downs and unexpected things in life. You have to be prepared for anything.
40. Give to the world more than what you take from it. Your life on earth would be considered worth only when you can give to the world more than what you have got from it.
41. Be above limitations of life.
42. Regulate your diet for your mental well being.
· One of the secrets for good health is to always remain slightly hungry.
43. Do regular exercises.
· Physical relaxation in turn leads to mental relaxation because body and mind are closely interlinked.
44. Include rest and relaxation phases in your routine.
45. Improve quality of your sleep.
46. Remain above diseases of the body.
47. Avoid fear of death.
48. Take initiative in setting things right.
· As an enlightened citizen, you must raise your voice against various disorders and injustice. It is your duty as well as right.
49. Change your self to change the world.
· Each person contributes to making the society or world as it is.
50. Don't take revenge for the ills done by others to you
51. Avoid suspicion/doubts, have faith
52. Be honest, truthful and righteous in your dealings.
53. There are pros and cons in everything of the world, world is dual in its nature.
54. Depend only on God for help. To make yourself eligible for this help, the only requirement is that you have to mentally feel yourself connected to God and have total faith in His benevolence and protection.
55. Consider your children and children of God.
56. Choose appropriate colors.
57. Maintain good postures
58. Listen good soothing music.
59. Go close to nature whenever you find opportunity.
60. Maintain cleanliness and neatness in your surroundings.
61. Temperature, humidity and noise have an effect on your mind.
62. Install good photos and pictures.
63. Go on disposing off rubbish regularly.
64. Add humor and laughter in your routine.
65. Don't be too anxious to know your future.
66. Check your desires and craving for sensual enjoyment.
67. Don't indulge in mad race for money.
68. Never give the excuse that you don't have time. We all have plenty of time if only we wish to do a thing.
69. Live and work in this world with the sole aim of your constant development.
70. Don't waste anything.
71. Don't be fussy over trifles.
72. Anger is a sign of weakness.
73. You are not indispensable for the world.
74. Don't advertise your problems/difficulties to others except when you really need help from someone.
75. Develop tolerance.
· Be strict for yourself but tolerant for the shortcomings and defect of others.
76. Don't fight over religions, all religions are good.
77. Don't try to be master of everything, be expert in one thing.
78. Take and give help freely.
79. Enjoy each moment of life.
80. You can learn from every body in the world.
81. Don't do or accept anything that is less than the best.
82. Observe courtesy and good mannerism.
83. Don't think or speak ill about anybody. We are all connected to each other.
· Each mind is connected with every other mind and all the minds in turn are connected with cosmic mind.
84. We can learn from every situation.
85. Don't compare.
86. Be independent take your decisions.
87. Learn to appreciate others.
88. Be humble as you rise more and more.
89. Be grateful to God for every luxury and comfort of your life.
90. Don't always misunderstand others.
91. Let power come to you on its own.
92. External circumstances, on their own, can't create stress.
93. Don't make catastrophe out of unpleasant events of life.
94. Learn to give up and let go.
95. Don't get upset over rejection and disapproval.
96. Eliminate self-centeredness in your talking and dealings.
97. Don't lower down your level to the level of the person who is misbehaving you.
98. Avoid strain and perfectionism and idealism.
99. Learn to adjust and compromise.
100. Avoid the strain of impressing others.
101. Learn to change your thoughts quickly and consciously.
102. Continue to progress even in tragedies and misfortunes.
103. Don't have super normal expectations from your spouse.
104. Live one day at a time don't rush.
105. Reduce the velocity of your mind.
106. Does your conversation often end in irritation and heart burning?
107. Cope with one problem at a time.
108. Don't leave your mind idle. Keep always some goals before it.
109. Don't imagine problems and mishappenings in life, just face them as they come.
110. Don't stop your works when your mood is upset.
111. Avoid constant bickering and complaining.
112. Don't waste your energy in satisfying others.
113. Think less and do more.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
1. We all work with one infinite power
2. The Secret is the Law of Attraction (LOA)
3. Whatever is going on in your mind is what you are attracting
4. We are like magnets - like attract like. You become AND attract what you think
5. Every thought has a frequency. Thoughts send out a magnetic energy
6. People think about what they don't want and attract more of the same
7. Thought = creation. If these thoughts are attached to powerful emotions (good or bad) that speeds the creation
8. You attract your dominant thoughts
9. Those who speak most of illness have illness, those who speak most of prosperity have it..etc..
10. It's not "wishful" thinking.
11. You can't have a universe without the mind entering into it
12. Choose your thoughts carefully .. you are a masterpiece of your life
13. It's OK that thoughts don't manifest into reality immediately (if we saw a picture of an elephant and it instantly appeared, that would be too soon)
14. EVERYTHING in your life you have attracted .. accept that fact .. it's true.
15. Your thoughts cause your feelings
16. We don't need to complicate all the "reasons" behind our emotions. It's much simpler than that. Two categories .. good feelings, bad feelings.
17. Thoughts that bring about good feelings mean you are on the right track. Thoughts that bring about bad feelings means you are not on the right track.
18. Whatever it is you are feeling is a perfect reflection of what is in the process of becoming
19. You get exactly what you are FEELING
20. Happy feelings will attract more happy circumstances
21. You can begin feeling whatever you want (even if it's not there).. the universe will correspond to the nature of your song
22. What you focus on with your thought and feeling is what you attract into your experience
23. What you think and what you feel and what actually manifests is ALWAYS a match - no exception
24. Shift your awareness
25. "You create your own universe as you go along" Winston Churchill
26. It's important to feel good ( ( ( (((good))) ) ) )
27. You can change your emotion immediately .. by thinking of something joyful, or singing a song, or remembering a happy experience
28. When you get the hang of this, before you know it you will KNOW you are the creator
29. Life can and should be phenomenal .. and it will be when you consciously apply the Law of Attraction
30. Universe will re-arrange itself accordingly
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